
  •  Waterbending

this can be very complicated if given the wrong instructions or misinterprated, so listen closly.

if you have any questions, please ask so in the comments

Rising Water lvl1- first fill a sink with water, and put a piece of toilet paper in it, and push the toilet paper down until it sinks

next, place your hands above the water with your palms facing the water

now, imagine a clear, liquid substance building up in your abdomen, this is chi. now imagine it going up your chest and into your arms then into your hands

imagine the chi coming out of the center of your palms and filling the sink of water.

when the sink of water is full of chi, connect the chi in the water with the chi in your hands by imagining a strand of chi connecting your hand with the chi in the water above the piece of toilet paper.

now slowly lift your hands up and feel the chi tugging on the center of you palm as you lift the chi in the water, that is connected with your hands. now keep doing this over and over. when you think you have done enough lifting, do the following….

open your eyes….is the toilet paper on top of the water again? if it is…congradulations. You have lifted water from the bottom of the sink to the top of the sink!

lvl 1 water bending
To get started you will need to complete the requirements for your first bending technique. In this case it would be "Tide". All chi techniques can be found on the Chi Techniques page, and all meditations and telekinesis can be found on the Mind Dojo page. Once you can do all the requirements, you are ready to start bending! If you have any questions at this point they will most likely be on the FAQ, if not then feel free to ask around on the guestbook or forums! (the forum link can be found on the homepage)

Tide Requirements: Chi Projection, Chi Ball, Breathing Meditation, Telekinesis

This is the basis for all Water techniques, and although it has no true offensive or defensive label, it is necessary for every waterbending technique you will learn

First, close your eyes and feel your chi like you do in the chi ball technique. You will want to mainly feel the chi in your hands.

Now feel your chi start to radiate out of your hands, think of it as moonlight. Dont project your chi, simply radiate it out of your hands.

Put your hands at a decent distance from the water, but not too close. Move your hands in a wave like motion, pulling them towards your body, and pushing them away from your body.

As you do this, feel the water moving with your hands. Do not feel the water's weight, but feel the water itself moving. Feel it as if it was weightless (this would be the telekinesis portion)


As you practice this, you might not get results right away, and the reason for this is because your energy has not atuned to this skill yet. Once you can move the water, practice this on a regular basis until you can do it with ease. Remember you dont have to get amazing results to have mastered this technique, this technique is not ment to be spectacular, it is simply moving the water.

Wave Requirements: Tide, Breathing Meditation, Telekinesis, Chi Meditation

this is a more advanced form of the Tide technique. It involves making an elevated mass of water, and projecting it.

First do everything you do in the tide technique, except when you radiate your chi out of your hands, make the radiated mass of chi more dense in the area of water you want to turn into a wave.

Now, pull the water towards you, and before you push it out again, raise the area of water you want to be your wave, by lifting your hands and using telekinesis and the mass of chi you put in the water in the first place.

Before gravity gets the best of you, push the elevated mass of water away from you. This is a both offensive and defensive technique.

Looming Wave Requirements: Wave, Breathing Meditation, Telekinesis, Chi Meditation

This is just like the previous technique except you are going to hold the wave you make still, without pushing this foward. As you practice this skill you will notice that the more you practice it the longer you will be able to hold the wave in place.

Poseidon's Wall Requirements: Looming Wave, Breathing Meditation, Telekinesis, Chi Meditation

Basicly all this technique is, is making your "Looming Wave" grow. To do it, simply lift your hands up along with your chi, and remember to do telekinesis while you do this. The more you practice, the larger you will be able to make your "Poseidon's Wall"! This is a good defensive technique when you master it.

Poseidon's Shield Requirements: Poseidon's Wall, Breathing Meditation, Telekinesis, Chi Mediation

 In this technique you will be temporarily detaching your "poseidon's wall" from the surface. until your energy gets stronger, you will not be able to hold it in the air for long until gravity takes effect on it.

Do the poseidon's wall technique. Now, remaining in control of the water, do this motion with your hands...
About Waterbending Water is the element of change. The moon is the source of power in waterbending, and the first waterbenders learnt from the moon by observing how the moon pushed and pulled the tides.. The fighting style of Waterbending is mostly flowing and graceful; acting in concert with their environment. Waterbenders deal with the flow of energy, they let their defense become their offense, turning their opponents own forces against them.
  about water bending

Waterbending is based on the style of Tai Chi, which is a Chinese martial art that features slow movements and elegant forms that evoke the feel of flowing water. Waterbending's strength is its defensive capabilities which, rather than supporting a separate set of offensive methods, are transformed into attacks and counters - defense into offense. Rather than simply stopping to deflect an attack, Waterbending's defensive maneuvers focus on control, achieved through turning an opponent's own strength against him, instead of directly harming the opponent. water is the element of change. Waterbending provides a versatility of experience

Classes i have classes myself so im not sure when to start them

Lesson 2- Mixing your chi with the water if you don't know how to let chi out through your whole body and mix it with the water, waterbending is going to be impossible for you to do.

First, you need to feel your chi and then designate the areas that you want them to come out of. So first you need to meditate and visualize your chi coming out of from almost every nearly possible place. Once you see your chi coming out you need to make it fuse with the water. This is the hard part, you need to have complete control over it for you to do this. Now let your chi just go into the water and don't force it to do anything else. Once you mix it with the water try to move it around a little dont expect very serious results the first time you do this, because it may take a little while for you to get it down.

Lesson 1-Controlling your chi if you cannot control your chi bending will be nearly impossible,

First, you need to be able to feel you chi and move it.Meditate and visualize your chi goign throughout your body like a 2nd blood in your body do this and try to make is move certain places until you start to feel it.Then when you think your ready pool your chi into your arms,chest,stomach,hands whatever.

When you think your done now start to move it all into your hands and keep it there for a minute.try to put it between both of your hands until you make a ball this is called a chi ball.after a few days of practicing this then try to shape that ball into a triangular prism or a cube or something like that.

Techiques and Bending moves. Water Manipulation: Almost all forms of Waterbending involve moving and shaping a body of water to the user's desire. By simply levitating a large mass of water, Waterbenders can move water anywhere they wish, even parting it under the surface of a lake or sea, allowing them to walk along the bottom of a basin without the need to swim. These large bodies can also be used as weapons, either by shaping them into gigantic whips, swung repeatedly at a target as a snake-like body, or simply dropped onto an opponent to smother them or put out a fire. On the sea or ocean, Waterbending can be used to create giant maelstroms. Aang and Ka.

A Snow Spout Snow manipulation: A move that pushes and levitates snow for attack, shielding and defense. Living on the poles of the Earth, Waterbenders are accustomed to living in the snow. The snow is used as the first source when waterbending. They are able to compress the snow together, in order to slice through objects, even metal. Masters like Pakku can bend the snow to make a snow spout, that can carry the bender around and they can still attack and dodge at the same time. This has been seen being done by many waterbenders but mostly in "The Siege of the North, Part 1" and "The Siege of the North, Part 2".

Streaming the Water: Named by Katara, it is a move that draws water from a source that waterbenders move around their bodies. A more advanced version demonstrated by Aang apparently involves "sinking and floating". This move is thought to be used for basic training so that beginning waterbenders can get a "feel" for water, but it is in all actuality a very useful move preformed by waterbenders of every skill level. 
