
air bending

Lvl-1 Air Bending for some, airbending comes easily. I am naturaly a firebender but i believe that air, and fire are connected somehow. because of this, I learned airbending in two weeks. 
air meditation- Close your eyes and block out all distractions. Let go of everything on your mind. Let go of your emotions, your anticipations, and anything else that is on your mind. Now visualize the following.

You are floating. Floating above the creamy white, fluffy clouds. The air around you is a crystal blue color. It has a cool feel to it, and is refreshing to breath.

The crystal blue air is sending out five strands of air and connecting to the five soles of either palm. It has a cool feel to it as it connects to your hand. Now it is going into your hand and through your veins. through the veins in your arm and into your body.  Although it is connected to YOU it stays connected to the rest of the air also.

use this chi for airbendingconnecting with the air- (use this skill with most all airbending techniques)  see  air meditation

keep your eyes closed and now when your move your hands in any way you want slowly, you should feel the air circulating throughout your palm. it is an awsome feeling. and it shouldnt take you long to master. if you feel pressure and heat in your hands, this is a mysterious substance called………..BLOOD        O.o

lol if you feel this then just take a break and come back to airbending later.
air waveafter you have mastered “connecting with the air” this will be easy.
first, place a rolled up piece of paper on the floor.
next, stand sideways
now step foward with your foot facing the paper
then move your hands in a swooping motion from above your head, swooping down above the paper and in front of your face.
the paper should roll across the floor!
air throw- is easy after you complete “connecting with the air”
first extend your arm above your head with your palm facing backwards
next, swoop your arm down with your air chi following.
finaly, swoop your arm up with your air chi following, but stop your arm when it is pointing at the target. and let your air chi go into the target. if it was something lite like a feather, then it should go flying. this is a fun skill and easy to learn.





here are some visuals to help you Lvl-2 Air bending IF MASTERED, SOME OF THESE SKILLS CAN BE POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS . 

Air Blastps:”connecting with the air” is not needed to do this skill
place your hands at your sides, palms facing backwards.
imagine a wall of turqoise colored air behind you, connected to your palms
now swoop your hands up in front of you and imagine the air behind you blasting foward with your hands.

Air-Ball-you must have completed “connecting with the air” first
Put your hand out as if holding a baseball. now imagine all the air from around you going into your hand, forming a baseball sized ball of air.
now use “air throw” (as show in lvl-1) and launch the ball at your target.

Air Sawyou must have completed “connecting with the air” first
start by placing your hands with your palms facing eachother about an inch apart.
next, start moving your both hands in a circular motion with your palms still facing eachother
now, do the previous step faster and faster. until you have a feeling indicating that you have an air saw. i cant really explain it, but you will know.
finaly, when you have an air saw, slowly bring your right hand to the back of the spinning wheel of air, and push it out at your target.
when you get really good at this, you may be able to actualy cut things with it

Air Clapmust complete “connecting with the air” in lvl-1 airbending
place your hands, palms facing eachother, about two inches apart.
now use “connecting with the air” and pull your hands away from eachother and extend them behind your back.  after you feel air forcing into the area in front of you,
clap your hands together and visualize the air that collected after winding up in step 2, exploding foward.

Air Jump
pretty much jumping high like aang in avatar.
first, stand up. bring all your air chi to the center of the bottom of your foot.
keep building up chi in the center of your foot, until you have pressure there. (this is a “chi block”)
now bend your knees as if preparing to jump,
when you jump, explode all of the air chi, out of your feet and imagine a blast of air coming out, launching you into the air.
you should jump higher than normal.

Air Kick
lift your knee, hip height. and make an air ball on the bottom of your foot.
now kick foward, and launch the air ball foward.

To get started you will need to complete the requirements for your first bending technique. In this case it would be "Air Ball". All chi techniques can be found on the Chi Techniques page, and all meditations and telekinesis can be found on the Mind Dojo page. Once you can do all the requirements, you are ready to start bending! If you have any questions at this point they will most likely be on the FAQ, if not then feel free to ask around on the guestbook or forums! (the forum link can be found on the homepage)
  Air bending

Air Ball Requirements: Chi ball, telekinesis, breathing meditation
 Air ball, the most basic, yet crucial part of airbending. It is the foundation of nearly every airbending technique
 Airbending focuses on constant moving, whether this is your chi, or your body. So to start off, lets make a basic chi ball, and keep it spinning.
 now when you think you are ready, use telekinesis, but instead of feeling yourself move a solid object, feel that feeling of the wind blowing on you, but channel that feeling to your ball of energy. 
 continue to use this form of telekinesis, and continue to keep this ball of energy spinning. the energies in both the telekinetically charged air, and your ball of energy, will react. the telekinetically charged air will fuse with the chi ball, giving you control over the air you used telekinesis on. 

Air Swipe Requirements: Chi projection, Chi meditation, Breathing Meditation, Air Ball
 This is a basic attack skill of an airbender. From this skill sprouts many other offensive airbending tactics, so it is crucial to learn if you want to become an offensive airbender
 To start out, hold your hand out so it looks like a knife, with your fingers all together. Now project chi from all of your fingers. Not just one or two fingers, all of them. (except the thumb)
 Feel the chi strings you projected mold together to form one big chi mass projecting from your four fingers. Make this mass of chi longer and longer. Now, use telekinesis on the air around this mass of chi. Use it to draw the air towards the chi.
Now swing your hand holding the chi around. After doing this, swipe your hand at an object with your hand horizontal, not vertical. Apon collision, it should disrupt the energy your telekinetically charged air and your chi had, and the airbending form you had made will disperse. 

Air Stream Requirements: Chi Projection, Chi Meditation, Breathing Meditation, Air Ball
 The air stream is a crucial skill for any defensive airbender. It can also be used as a basis for some offensive skills
 Since this is a pretty complex skill, lets lay down what we want to accomplish in this skill.
 1. connect with the air behind us by using chi projection and telekinesis
 2. gain control of the air behind us, and stream it out in front of us
 So lets start with number 1. First you want to stretch out your arm to the side of your body. Face your palm behind you. 
 Now, telekinetically charge the air mass behind you by just using telekinesis on it, but not moving it anywhere. so basically just hold the air still with telekinesis. Now, project chi into this charged air behind you, and when the energy in the air, and the energy in your chi react, you will feel it. 

Now, for beginners, ou may want to hold this chi in that cloud of charged air for a little while to make sure you have control over it. After you are sure you have control over it, swing your arm out in front of you from its original position, with your palm facing foward. Make sure you dont lose connection with the air behind you.
 The air will stream foward. When you get good at this, you can try with two hands and make two seperate streams. And after you get good at that, you can try to make the air stream more continueous, by using telekinesis to keep the air streaming foward for longer periods of time. 

Wind Fury Requirements: Air Stream, Telekinesis, Chi Meditation, Breathing Meditation
 This is a real chillin technique. I (pyro-chaos) am able to do this and it has my seal of approval. Basicly what you are going to be able to do is make wind. This is a defensive technique, it pushes the enemy back and slows them down. 
 To start, you have to energize the air all around you on a pretty large scale. Radiate the your chi out from all over your body, and keep radiating it until you think it is at a substantial distance from your body. 
 Now, use telekinesis on the air around you. Simply charge it, and if you are able to do air stream you will know what I am talking about. Charge all the air with telekinesis that your charged with chi. 
 Finally, reach your hands out, spin around and thrust them out in front of you. As you do this, use telekinesis and chi control to woosh the air out in front of you.  

Rebound Requirements: Wind Fury, Telekinesis, Chi Meditation, Breathing Meditation
 This is the first actual 100% defensive technique you will learn. It is definatly not the best technique in the world, but it is a good start. 
 What you are going to do is do a 360 spin while bending air, and then stop while facing the object you want to block and rebound it by causing impact on the object with the air you bend. 
 Ok, so first use the wind fury "chi radiating" technique, but radiate the chi out of your hands. Use telekinesis on the air that your chi radiated into. Now, do a 360 degree spin to gather up more air into your energy, and then stop out in front of your target with your hands like so

Air bending Air is the element of freedom.The key to Airbending is flexibility, finding and following the path of least resistance. Airbending is known for being almost entirely defensive, however it is reputed to be the most dynamic of the four bending arts. Airbenders can overwhelm many opponents at once; however, there is a lack of a finishing move, which is the great weakness of Airbending. But what they lack in the finishing move, they make up in being able to avoid and evade their opponets. After much research i found out that it is based on the chinese martial art, knkown as baggua, or circle walking. Through learning air you will be able to do many things in your average life.

Opposing Bending Art

Airbending is the most passive of the four arts, as many of its techniques center around mobility, evading and eluding the opponent .Earth bending  is the direct opposite of this. While the Airbenders avoid or deflect oncoming attacks, Earthbenders absorb them or overwhelm them with superior force. Airbenders are constantly moving in circles, while Earthbenders require a firm root in one place to effectively bend. 

Like all of the bending arts, Airbending is balanced out as to not be more or less powerful than the other arts, though its is easily the most dynamic and agile of the four. The series has repeatedly illustrated that it is the skill and power of the user that determines victory. Do not take this the wrong way as being liek Airbending is weak. It is not weak and possibly one of the stronger of the 4. Hope this gives you a itte better understanding of how air works.

Classes classes are on weekdays 7pm central time and weekends 10am central time

Lesson 2- Mixing your chi with the air if you don't know how to let chi out through your whole body and mix it with the air, airbending is going to be impossible for you to do.
 First, you need to feel your chi and then designate the areas that you want them to come out of. So first you need to meditate and visualize your chi coming out of from almost every nearly possible place. Once you see your chi coming out you need to make it fuse with the air. This is the hard part, you need to have complete control over it for you to do this. Now let your chi just go into the air and don't force it to do anything else. Once you mix it with the air try to move it around a little dont expect very serious results the first time you do this, because it may take a little while for you to get it down.

Lesson 1-Controlling your chi if you cannot control your chi bending will be nearly impossible,
 First, you need to be able to feel you chi and move it.Meditate and visualize your chi goign throughout your body like a 2nd blood in your body do this and try to make is move certain places until you start to feel it.Then when you think your ready pool your chi into your arms,chest,stomach,hands whatever.

When you think your done now start to move it all into your hands and keep it there for a minute.try to put it between both of your hands until you make a ball this is called a chi ball.after a few days of practicing this then try to shape that ball into a triangular prism or a cube or something like that.

Techniques and bending Moves Air Manipulation: By using circular, evasive movements, Airbenders build up massive inertia; this buildup of energy is released as massive power. It also allows for wind-based counterattacks that knock opponents off-balance, mimicking the sudden directional shifts of air currents. Attacks vary from simple gusts of wind to miniature tornadoes and cyclones, maintaining the circular theme. Even a simple movement can create a air gust, and Airbenders increase the power of their moves by performing larger sweeps and spins, using the momentum of their movement to simulate larger gusts. This is also demonstrated with their use of staffs or fans to increase or create precision within the air currents. 

  An Air Shield : The most common defensive tactic involves circling enemies, suddenly changing direction when attacked and evading by physical movement rather than bending. However, an Airbender can still deflect as needed by throwing up gusts of air close to their bodies as a shield. This is rarely to stop attacks directly and more often pushes the attack aside and away, conserving energy and allowing them to turn the movement into an attack at the same moment. Since air can affect almost all physical objects, it can also be used to enforce the momentum of thrown objects or manipulate other objects (though requiring a higher degree of precision). 

Air barrier: This is a more powerful defensive technique where the entire body is surrounded by a dome of air that deflects attacks from all directions. 

Air Funnel: Similar to an Air vortex but to a smaller scale, Aang inventively used this technique as a cannon by creating a small air funnel through which small rock projectiles could be entered through the top and could be fired out of the opposite end. 

Breath of Wind: Very similar to standard air jet but created from the mouth and lungs. It requires extremely good breath control to employ effectively. Size and focus is more easily controlled, including narrow jets that can strike targets as small as insects, to large gale force gusts. . 

Enhanced Speed: Airbenders enhance their movement in battle; they can run swiftly by decreasing air resistance around them and even sprint across or run up vertical surfaces by generating a wind current behind themselves to propel them along. Airbenders have been shown using this to run many times faster than an average human and maintain this for very long periods, allowing them to travel long distances even without gliding or jumping. A master Airbender can use this technique to briefly run across water.. 

Enhanced Agility: Air movements can also be used as a levitation aid. Airbenders jump high and far by riding on strong gusts of wind and can slow or deflect falls by creating cushions of air. The constant movement required by this art makes airbenders naturally flexible and agile. Even without actually bending they can easily maneuver around an opponent by ducking, jumping, and side stepping, appearing to flow around their opponents without expending any energy at all, letting the opponent tire themselves out and create exploitable openings. This conservation of energy combined with high stamina gives them an advantage in prolonged combat. 

Air Ball Requirements: Chi ball, telekinesis, breathing meditation